Dhaka University Model United Nations Association (DUMUNA) is the first university-based Model United Nations (MUN) organization in Bangladesh, and it strives to bring out the best in all of its members by developing their unique set of skills. DUMUNA is a student-run organization that meets on the campus of Dhaka University but impacts the lives of thousands across borders which has resulted in the nomination for the Joy Bangla Youth Awards.
The organization has held eight National Level Model United Nations (DUNMUN) and four Intra-MUN conferences (DU Diplomatic Conclave)and various events relating to the United Nations since its founding in 2011. DUMUNA has introduced unique skill development initiatives including but not limited to ‘Fundamentals of MUN Course’, ‘Skill Surge: Advancing to the Next Level’ all free of cost for the up and coming youth leaders.
Every year, this organization recruits new members to assist in the expediting of the practice of diplomacy and negotiation. As a result of its belief in the potential held by students at the prestigious University of Dhaka, an institution that has given birth to a handful of nation builders. DUMUNA plans on providing training and incubation support to the future leaders of Bangladesh.
If you believe in yourself and believe that you have the ability to make a difference in the world, DUMUNA will embrace you with open arms. Be a member of DUMUNA right now and demonstrate your abilities to the rest of the world.
Forms are available both online and offline. Recruitment will open on the 1st of February, 2022. Join one of the most prestigious clubs at the University of Dhaka by completing the registration form.
Event Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3141861079430140?active_tab=about
Registration link: https://forms.gle/3SapSC9WRaxUmDum7
N. B.: The recruitment is only for the students of the University of Dhaka.